Monday, August 10, 2009

Shelly's Moving

I'm moving in six months to Omaha, Nebraska. I'm finally leaving Germany after living in this country for two years. Some of my coworkers told me "Wow, I'm sorry.. that really sucks.", but I don't think so. I miss the United States and glad I'm moving back. 

Top 10 things I miss about America. 

1. Low prices. (Euros sucks and I get paid in dollars.)
2. Customer service. *** (Biggest shock value about German culture- Zero customer service.)
3. Good quality high speed internet. 
4. 24 hour restaurants and businesses. 
5. Not paying money to use a public restroom.  (Your doom if you need to go and don't have 50 cent euro.) 
6. Cable television in English. 
7. Lights on roads. (Roads are really dark.) 
8. Customs for mail. (In Germany, they have high custom fees.)
9. Paying bills with checks. (In Germany, you pay bills directly from your bank.) 
10. Ketchup & Mustard (Germany ketchup and mustard are horrible.) 

I really enjoyed my time in Germany. I was lucky to be able to live overseas. I got to visit so many european countries and experience a wonderful new culture. Also, living overseas made me appreciate my own country. I realize I took for granted the conveniences I had in America. 

I'm sure when I move back to the United States, I'll miss Germany. I know for sure I'll miss this country's bread and Christmas markets. Nothing is better than drinking some Gluhwein on a cold chilly day. 

Until I move, I'll try and appreciate where I am. I want to be able to take as much of "Germany" as I can. So when I wake up from this dream I can still remember what had happen and talk about it. Please stay tuned and I'll show you around before I move to Omaha. 



    OMG you ruined my dreams to move to california and going school there. :(

  2. Hey Vicki,
    Omaha has Creighton University. Creighton is a nationally known university. It is consistently ranked #1 in the best universities-master's category, in the Midwestern region, according to U.S. News & World Report.


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